This project is demo project for AS7261 XYZ Colorimetric sensor. The AS7261 is a chromatic color sensor providing direct XYZ color coordinates consistent with the CIE 1931 2° Standard Observer color coordinates. In this project Spectral click board by Mikroelektronika with AS7261 sensors is used. Sensor has simple text-based command (AT commands) interface via UART. FT232RL by FTDI USB To TTL Serial Converter Adapter Module is used for communication between sensor and PC. Software on PC for sensor calibation and color measurement and analisys is written in LabVIEW software package.
Color conversion and chromatic adaptation in application is performed using data provided by Bruce Justin Lindbloom on his web page. Correlated color temperature is calculated using McCamy aproximation.
- Project schematic: sch
- LabVIEW virtual intrument: AS7261.vi
- Casing model: casing.stl
- Demo video on youtube: video