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This project is extension of our previous work. The idea behind OptoLAB mini is to build small, simple and flexible develoment board for Mikroelektronika's MINI boards with PIC32 and STM32 MCUs. Mikroelektronika offers several MINI boards with PIC32 (including PIC32MX and PIC32MZ) and STM32 (including Cortex-M0 and Cortex-M4) MCUs. These MINI boards in DIP40 form offer simple and powerfull solution for many application. Board are equiped with preloaded bootloader and can be easily programmed using USB interface. Futher on, OptoLAB mini development board supports ConnectEVE board from Mikroelektronika with FT800 graphics controller as a simple and easy-to-use display solution for fast develoment of GUI applications. On OptoLAB mini, All MCU I/O pins are routed to peripheral connectors (headers). By using dual headers, wiring to peripheral connectors can be easily controlled using simple jumpers (if needed peripheral headers can be easily rerouted to desired MCU pins). This feature comes handy if mini-32 for PIC32MX is used, since this board has slightly different I/O layout (more specifically, SPI required for FT800). Board can be supplied via LF33 LDO, TPS5430DDA Step-down converter or throught used MINI MCU board.
Additionally, OptoLAB mini board can be extended with Micro SD Card Module and CP2102 USB to Serial Converter Module which further increases board functionality.
For purpose of board demonstration our previos work (Custom built FT800 driver library) is ported on all of the following boards: mini-32 for PIC32MX, mini-32 for PIC32MZ, mini-M0 for STM32 and mini-M4 for STM32. PIC32MX and PIC32MZ demo projects are built using:
- MPLAB X IDE (v5.15) and XC32 Compailer (v2.15) by Microchip
- mikroBootloader (v2.8.0.0) - Free and simple application by Mikroelektronika for programing MCU with a preloaded USB-HID bootloader.
- Important notice: Check this article for using MPLAB X IDE and XC32 Compilers with mikroBootloader
STM32M0 and STM32M4 demo projects are built using:
- STM32CubeIDE (v1.3.0) and STM32CubeMX initialization code generator (v5.6.0) by STMicroelectronics.
- (STM32M4) mikroBootloader (v2.8.0.0) - Free and simple application by Mikroelektronika for programing MCU with a preloaded USB-HID bootloader.
- (STM32M0) Serial mikroBootloader (v2.2.0.0) - Free and simple application by Mikroelektronika for programing MCU with a preloaded Serial bootloader.
Custom built FT800 library can be easily ported to other platforms (by changing FT800_Port source and header files) PROJECT FILES&DOCS: - OptoLAB mini schematic: sch
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