In this project simple color touch UI solution for 3D printer is presented. It is based on Mikroelektronika ConnectEVE board with FTDI FT800/EVE display controller. FT800 chip includes a touch controller for sensing touch feedback from a TFT display with a resistive touch panel as well as a sound synthesizer and audio playback with a PWM output to drive a speaker. ConnectEVE is simple development board based on FT800 chip with 4.3’’ display and resistive touch screen. This development board enables creation of fast HMI even on systems with low performance MCUs. FT800/EVE controller has SPI interface
3D printer display board presented here is design in such a way that is compatible with standard RAMPS boards. It consists of ConnectEVE board, SD card module and small speaker (8R, 0.5W, 36 mm). Additionally, since ConnectEVE board operates on 3.3V, LM1086-3.3 1.5A LDO is included in board design as well as 5V to 3.3V voltage translator (simple voltage dividers). Display board has two 2x5 ICD connector for interfacing with 3D printer controller such as RAMPS. Via one of the connectors display board is power with 5V. Adding external buck convertor (such as LM2596S) for powering the board should be considered.
Marlin firmware already has support for FTDI EVE touch UI, so firmware configuration is relatively simple. However, certain steps are required. Instruction for Marlin (2.1.1) configuration as well as modified Marlin source files are provided below.
In demo video Green Mamba 2.0 DIY 3D printer is used. PROJECT FILES&DOCS: - 3D printer display board schematic and pcb: zip |
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